To enhance the quality of services provided to citizens and stakeholders, the BSP has implemented a system to declare a dissatisfaction concerning the services rendered, the tools utilized, or our personnel.
Please consult our section Lodging a complaint, if your dissatisfaction is related to any of the following situations:
- An enterprise offering private security services without a valid licence.
- An individual carrying on private security activities without a valid licence.
- A security agent behaving unprofessionally in contradiction with the standards of conduct.
- An employer hiring an individual who carries on private security activities without the required licence.
- The Private Security Act or its regulations are violated in any other way.
How to declare a dissatisfaction
To declare a dissatisfaction concerning the services rendered by the BSP, our tools or one of our employee, you may:
- Complete and sign the form Declaration of a dissatisfaction, and send via email to or by mail to the following address :
Bureau de la sécurité privée
Attn: Bureau de la Direction générale
1611 Cremazie Boulevard East, Suite 500
Montréal (Québec) H2M 2P2
- Call 514 748-7480 or come to our offices for assistance in completing the form.
What are the steps in processing my dissatisfaction?
When a declaration of dissatisfaction is made, an acknowledgement is sent within a maximum of 2 business days.
Subsequently, a follow-up is done with the dissatisfied person within 30 business days.
It is important to note that each dissatisfaction is handled with confidentiality, impartiality, and transparency.