Refer to the list below to find out the conditions for obtaining an Immediate Superior Agent licence (without right to practice).
Anyone who acts as the immediate superior of security agents but does not carry on a private security activity himself/herself must hold an Immediate Superior Agent Licence. However, this person is exempt from providing proof of having successfully completed the mandatory training. He/she is therefore issued an Immediate Superior Agent Licence "without right to pratice".
What is an immediate superior?
An immediate superior is the line manager who represents the first level of authority above a private security agent and having direct control over the performance of that agent's duties.
An immediate superior does not necessarily have this title. The role is determined by the hierarchical relationship with an agent.
Do you meet the age requirement?
To get an immediate superior agent licence without right to practice, you must be at least 18 years of age.
Do you have a criminal history?
To get an agent licence, and throughout the term of your licence, you must:
- Have never been found guilty of a criminal offence related to the private security activity for which you are applying for a licence, unless you have obtained a pardon; and
- Be of good moral character, i.e., you conduct yourself in accordance with society’s moral and social values.
To determine whether you meet these criteria, the BSP must send your personal information to Sûreté du Québec (SQ) so that it can perform a security verification. The SQ will then inform the BSP of the results of its verification and give its opinion as to whether the criteria have been met.
Upon receipt of this information, the BSP will determine whether you meet the criminal history and moral character criteria.
Status in Canada
Are you a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or do you have a work permit in Canada?
In order to obtain an agent licence, a person must have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or a work permit in Canada issued by the competent authority. It is the duty of this person to ensure that his or her work permit is in force for the time that he or she wishes to carry on private security activities and to notify the Bureau when his or her work permit is no longer valid.
Have you read the obligations associated with the licence?
When you sign your licence application form, you declare that you are aware of your responsibilities and obligations if you are issued a licence.
Please familiarize yourself with them now if you have not already done so.
Are you in physical and mental condition which allows you to carry on a private security activity?
In order to be able to obtain an agent licence in private security, a person must be in a physical and mental condition allows them to carry on the private activity for which the licence is being applied for. Only at the request of the Bureau, a person may be required to submit a medical certificate to confirm this fact.
Do you have all the relevant documents on hand?
Get ready! To be processed, your application must be accompanied by the following documents:
A copy of both sides of two (2) different valid pieces of identification from the lists below to meet the following conditions:
Condition 1 : Piece of identification issued by the Government of Canada or a provincial or territorial government or, failing that, by a foreign government*, containing at the least your name, date of birth, photo and signature. |
A copy of both sides of your valid driver licence in Canada (preferred, if you hold one)
Or, if not, choose a document from List 1 below:
* Any piece of identification must be in French or English, otherwise you must also provide us with a translation into one of these official languages made by a member of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec. |
Condition 2 : Document evidencing that you have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or a work permit issued by the competent Canadian immigration authorities. |
Choose a document from List 2 below (must be different from the one chosen from List 1):
- Two (2) identical colour passport-size (5 cm x 7 cm) photos taken within six (6) months prior to application. The photo must be taken facing front, against a white background, showing your full face from the shoulders up, with your head uncovered, and dated on the back with a date stamp. The back of one photo must be certified by your respondent.
Note: Hats and head coverings must not be worn unless they are worn daily for religious or medical reasons. However, your full face must be clearly visible and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
Choose your respondent carefully!
Make sure your respondent meets the following criteria:
- Is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Is 18 or over
- Has known you for at least one year
- Is available for verification by BSP
If you do not know anyone who meets all these criteria, the only person authorized to certify your photo is a commissioner of oaths, notary, or lawyer.
Make sure your respondent completes and signs the respondent’s declaration on the form and signs one of your photos.
Go to the Complete an Application section when you’re ready!