Agency representative

Every agency must appoint a representative for the purposes of the PSA and its regulations. The representative is the person authorized to deal with BSP on behalf of the agency. This person receives all communications from BSP addressed to the agency.

The representative must be appointed by the owner, a member of the board of directors or a partner of the agency. In the case of a self-employed person or a company with a sole shareholder and director, this person may, as an exception, appoint himself/herself representative.

The person appointed representative must, at all times:

  • Be 18 or over
  • Have never been found guilty of a criminal offence related to private security, unless the representative has obtained a pardon
  • Be of good moral character, i.e., behave in accordance with society’s moral and social values

To determine whether an appointed representative meets the last two criteria, BSP must send his/her personal information to Sûreté du Québec (SQ) so that it can perform a security check. SQ will then inform BSP of the results of its investigation and give its opinion as to whether the criteria have been met.

Upon receipt of this information, BSP will determine whether the appointed representative meets the criminal history and moral character criteria. 


Representatives must complete the Mandatory online training program within six months of being appointed. This Mandatory online training program is provided by BSP to familiarize representatives with their role, the PSA, its regulations, and the obligations associated with an agency licence.

The Bureau de la sécurité privée offers you "The Agency Representative" training, a flexible and user-friendly tool designed to support you in your role as representative, inform you of the principles enacted by the Private Security Act and its regulations regarding your activities, and guide the agency towards compliance.







Specific obligations

When a representative sign the declaration on the agency licence application form, he/she declares to be  aware of its obligations as representative and of the agency’s obligations. Familiarize yourself with them now!  


Change of representative

Your business wants to change its representative?

You may request this change at any time. To do so, simply send us the Change of Representative (194.103) form, duly completed and signed by an owner, administrator or a partner of the agency. 

BSP will need to ensure that the new representative meets the above mentioned conditions before approving the change. 


Register of people working for your agency and carrying out a private security activity

The register of employees of the agency engaged in private security activities must include at least for each:

  • The name
  • The date of birth
  • The category of private security activity the person practices
  • Hiring date
  • Date of end of employment, if applicable

Updating and retention of employees' register

  • Keep the register up to date
  • Keep the register at the principal establishment in Quebec
  • Keep the information for at least two years

Download the register template by clicking on this link

During an inspection by the BSP, the agency may have to hand in this register for verification.