The Bureau de la sécurité privée (BSP) is governed by the Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information pursuant to section 43 of the Private Security Act (CQLR, c. S-3.5).
The Regulation Respecting the Distribution of Information and the Protection of Personal Information (CQLR, chap. A-2.1, r.2) obliges the BSP to distribute certain documents and information on the BSP website. Please consult the available documents on our Website.
Classification list (in French only)
Inventory of personal information files (in French only)
Register for the communication of personal information (in French only)
Studies, research reports or statistics (None)
Documents tabled at the National Assembly or one of its committees or subcommittees
These documents will give you information on the BSP's costs and expenditures for the most recent quarter:
Total travel expenses of BSP employees (in French only)
Training activities, seminars and convention expenses (in French only)
Training contracts (in French only)
Advertising and promotion contracts (in French only)
Telecommunication contracts (in French only)
Rental lease (in French only)
Consult the archives for these documents, for preceding quarters.
Under the Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information, you have access to your documents and personal information as well as any other information covered by the Act. You can also have your personal information corrected if it is incomplete, incorrect or unclear, or destroyed if it has not been collected, kept or communicated within the meaning of the Act.
Requests for access to documents at the BSP, or to any other information covered by the Act, must be mailed or faxed to the person in charge of access to documents and the protection of personal information:
Me Isabelle F. LeBlanc
Responsible of the Access to documents and the protection of personal information
Bureau de la sécurité privée
1611 Crémazie Boulevard East, Suite 500
Montréal (Québec) H2M 2P2
Fax: 514 748-0002
Although access to documents is free of charge, a fee may be required for the transcription, transmission, or reproduction of documents. You will be advised beforehand, if applicable.
According to the Act, the person in charge of access to documents and the protection of personal information must render a decision within twenty days from reception of the request of information. However, said delay could be extended if required due to the circumstances of the file.
If you need more information concerning access to information and the protection of personal information, you may consult the website of the Commission d’accès à l’information.
Protection of information
Protection of this information is a priority for the BSP. We use numerous means to achieve this. You may consult our Privacy Policy in this regard.
You may use our online services ''My account'' to consult your personal information. You may also contact us in order to make modifications to this information.
To authorize the BSP to transmit your personal or confidential information to a third party, your written consent is required. You can use the following form for that purpose:
• Authorization to disclose personal information (AGENT)
• Authorization to disclose information concerning an agency
When the BSP receives an access to information request, the documents that are transmitted to the requester are published in this section within five days following transmission, as well as the anonymized decision of the person in charge of access to documents and protection of confidential information.
Note: The documents are distributed subject to exceptions provided in the Regulation Respecting the Distribution of Information and the Protection of Personal Information (CQLR, c. A-2.1, r.2). Documents containing personal information, information supplied by a third party, and information with an impact on the administration of justice and public security are among these exceptions.
Since March 28th 2013, the following documents have been transmitted pursuant to an access to information request: (in French only)
2024-04-02 Liste des agences titulaires d'un permis de gardiennage
2023-06-13 Liste des agences titulaires d'un permis de serrurerie
2023-05-26 Statistiques enquêtes et inspections ainsi que décisions défavorables
2023-05-18 Salaire minimum des membres du personnel du Bureau de la sécurité privée
2023-04-14 Liste des formateurs/entreprises reconnus par la ministre de la Sécurité privée
2023-04-14 Renseignement concernant un article paru dans le journal de Québec
2023-02-07 Liste des entreprises titulaires d'un permis d'agence de convoyage de biens de valeur
2023-02-02 Confirmation de permis d'agence
2022-12-07 Confirmation de licence - Registre des titulaires de permis
2022-11-30 Liste des agences accréditées - Registre des titulaires de permis
2022-11-01_Nombre de permis d'agent et d'agence de gardiennage du 1er janvier au 31 octobre 2022
2022-02-10_Liste des agences d'investigation ayant un permis valide Document-liste
2021-10-20_Représentativité des membres des communautés noires au sein du BSP
2021-08-23_Renseignements sur les salaires supérieurs à 100 000 $
2020-03-11_Nom des entreprises titulaires d'un permis valide en convoyage de biens de valeur
2018-09-07_Nombre de permis temporaires délivrés dans le cadre du G7
2018-08-28_Renseignements relatifs aux salaires
2018-02-09_Renseignements divers sur les permis d'agences, les frais et les habilitations sécuritaires
2017-07-13_Statistiques sur les plaintes reçues de 2010 à ce jour
2017-07-06_Statistiques sur les suspensions de permis
2016-12-08_Nombre de permis en gardiennage délivrés en 2015-2016
2016-06-14_Résolution du conseil d'administration-Frais administratif en cas de suspension pour non-paiement
2015-02-23_Contrats du BSP-consultants et firmes informatiques
2013-03-28_Mandats des membres du conseil d'administration et résolution sur le convoyage de biens de valeur