Obligations associated with an agent licence

When you become a licence holder, you confirm that you are aware of your responsibilities and obligations under the PSA and its regulations. To ensure your licence remains valid throughout its term, you must meet these obligations at all times. Failure to do so may result in penal sanctions (fines) or administrative sanctions (suspension, revocation or non-renewal), as the case may be.

For more details, go to the BSP's Powers and Investigations and Inspections sections. 


Compliance with the standards of conduct : your code of conduct

The public has a right to expect you, as a licensed private security agent, to conduct yourself in accordance with the standards worthy of your duties and role. The Regulation respecting standards of conduct sets out the behaviour you must adopt and avoid when performing your duties.

Help build public trust in the private security induustry by acting with respect, competence and professionalism!  

Pay your Annual Fees

Each year you must pay your annual licence fees before the anniversary date of the licence's issue. To find out the anniversary date, check the back of your licence.

A few weeks before this date, you will receive a payment notice from the BSP indicating the annual licence fees to be paid. On the back, you will find important reminders and the authorized payment methods.

To consult the rates in effect, go to the Fee Schedule section.

In the event of non-payment, your licence will be suspended for a specific period during which you could pay your annual fees in order to avoid the revocation of your licence. If you do not pay the annual fees during the suspension period, you licence will be revoked. You will be prohibited from carrying on a private security activity during both the suspension and revocation periods.

Tip : add a reminder to your agenda!  

Change likely to Affect the Validity of your Licence

You must continue to meet the criteria under which your licence was issued throughout the term of your licence.

However, if any changes in your situation occur of if such changes are likely to affect the validity of your licence, you must immediately notify the BSP in writing. Examples:

  • Your address changes 
  • You are charged with or found guilty of a criminal offence 
  • You are hired by a police force 
  • The expiry of your work permit in Canada, if applicable

You can inform us of such changes in writing or by phone. Please note that to change your address, you can proceed online through the My Account service or send us the Residential Address Change form (194.013).  

Employment incompatible with your private security duties

You cannot hold any employment incompatible with the private security activity for which you are licensed. For example, any position in a police force is considered incompatible, even if you are not a police officer.

If you are hired by a police force, you must inform the BSP and your licence will be revoked.


Do not want to work in private security anymore? Do not throw out your licence!

Once you have made your decision, you should follow these steps:

Step 1:   Complete and send us the Request for the Revocation of a Licence form. The BSP will cancel your licence when requested.

Step 2:  You must return your licence by mail or in person within 15 days after the revocation date. If you have already ceased operations, you can return your licence with the cancellation form.  

Change in your information listed in the Register

You must notify the BSP of any change in your information that appears in the Register of licence holders within 30 days after the change occurs, including:

  • any addition or change of employer
  • any change to your first or last name